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Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is an organization that works to define and raise awareness of best practices for secure cloud computing environments. 

We currently participate at CSA STAR Level 1 by completing the Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ) to document compliance with the Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM). STAR Self-Assessments are updated annually.

Certification Status

 You can view all of the CAIQ documents for our cloud services here.

Services in scope 

The following table lists the cloud services that have completed CAIQs.

ServicesCSA CAIQ
Horizon Cloud ServiceCheckmark_-_solid_2x_0.png 
Workspace ONE AccessCheckmark_-_solid_2x_0.png 
Workspace ONE AssistCheckmark_-_solid_2x_0.png 
Workspace ONE IntelligenceCheckmark_-_solid_2x_0.png 
Workspace ONE UEMCheckmark_-_solid_2x_0.png 

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